Healthy Living

My wife, Melanie, and I have spent the past five years coaching almost a hundred friends and family on their health journey. We meet for one-on-one consultations, host Healthy Hours in our home, and utilize a highly active Facebook Group where we stay connected daily to our team. I’ve lost 150 pounds over the past decade, and we share our keys of success with all our clients.

You can check out our DNA Test and Products at You can also view our video right here – ID Life. We would be thrilled to come alongside you in your health journey and help you reach your goals and dreams, and become the best version of you.

Below is a picture of our ID Life Team, and these are some of the most inspiring, courageous, and bold friends you could ever find. Want to be a part of something pretty special? Reach out to me today and let us be a part of your story.

Finally, you’ll see a fun picture representing my personal health journey. I hope this encourages and inspires you to take action today by contacting me so we can discuss the best solutions available for you. I’m excited to hear your story and discuss your goals!